So week three is here. It's come. It's gone. It felt like freaking forever. This was week two on the yogurt etc diet and it has gotten so old so fast.
I've taken to drinking tiny shot glasses of pickle juice in the evening as it tastes like food. I don't know if it is good for me, but at least it is a clear liquid lol.
On Thursday night I also tried a few spoonfuls of hummus for dinner. It was glorious. Glorious! I felt unbelievably painfully full. Like thanksgiving full. Which made me feel better about my my sleeve. I had hummus for dinner on Friday too. While it isn't on the list, it is mentioned as ok in like every book on the sleeve I read, so I figured I'd try it. I'm that kind of desperate. Today I sucked on two pretzels at work. I didn't eat them, but I sure sucked the shit out of them. I'm sure it is mostly mental, but try not eating for three weeks, and tell me if you don't go a little mental. I keep thinking how awesome that whipped cottage cheese would be if I could put a few pickles in it and wrap it in a lettuce leaf. I saw a salad today and wanted to cry. I've been fantasizing about salad for days now. I mean, don't get me wrong I'd still lick a pizza if I had one nearby, but salad and greens sound so good. I was reading a recipe for sautéed spinach and broccoli rabe in garlic and I was like dying for some. It would be amazing. But alas, I'm going to go have another few sips of pickle juice and call it a win. I'm at 18.6 so I guess that's good.
Funniest part was my panties kept falling down a little today at work. Awkward and yet exciting lol.
In other news I still am not doing much in the bathroom. You would think this pudding and cottage cheese would amount to SOMETHING EVENTUALLY. Instead I took one laxative last night (Bc omg when I took two during week two it was a nightmare!) and it was still watery and weird and not much. I think this may pose a long term problem. I hope it works itself out. I can't live on laxatives.
To be honest, I haven't been getting enough protein or water either. I'm trying hard with the liquids but it is hard to have a real job and responsibilities and yet be "constantly sipping." It isn't easy. 64 ounces is a lot more than you think. And the protein, well I have to go to the store this weekend and find some solutions because I can't drink any more chocolatey drinks. I just can't. So far Designer Whey is tolerable, and Premier Protein ready to drink is sweet but decent. The Unjury chocolate omg. If you like sweet you'll love it. I hate sweets. The unflavored is weird because it still has a taste. And not a good taste. I thought I could hide it in the Greek yogurt and the tangyness would hide it. I was wrong, really really wrong. I also tried to mix it into a pudding cup. Did you know that shit doesn't dissolve well in a pudding cup and it becomes liquid instead of pudding if you over mix it? Yeah that was a disaster. I've also tried the clear fruit Isopures ready to drinks. They are rather sweet, and have a weird aftertaste and give you cotton mouth but they aren't unbearable if you like sweet.
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